94 research outputs found

    Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Surface Integrity resulting from Outer-Diameter Grind-Hardening

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    AbstractBesides conventional heat treatment operations, an innovative approach for surface hardening is the grind-hardening process. During this process the dissipated heat from grinding is used for a martensitic phase transformation in the subsurface region of machined components. Additionally, compressive residual stresses are induced in the grindhardened surface layer. However, for the implementation of grind-hardening into industrial production extensive experimental tests are required to achieve iterative results of hardening depth. This paper focuses on the identification of parameter sets for a sufficient grind-hardening in outer-diameter grinding. On the one hand, grinding tests were conducted supported by metallographic investigations; on the other hand, a finite-element-based model was used to predict the surface integrity resulting from grind-hardening

    Challenges Using Extrapolated Family-level Macroinvertebrate Metrics in Moderately Disturbed Tropical Streams: a Case-study From Belize

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    Family-level biotic metrics were originally designed to rapidly assess gross organic pollution effects, but came to be regarded as general measures of stream degradation. Improvements in water quality in developed countries have reignited debate about the limitations of family-level taxonomy to detect subtle change, and is resulting in a shift back towards generic and species-level analysis to assess smaller effects. Although the scale of pollution characterizing past condition of streams in developed countries persists in many developing regions, some areas are still considered to be only moderately disturbed. We sampled streams in Belize to investigate the ability of family-level macroinvertebrate metrics to detect change in stream catchments where less than 30% of forest had been cleared. Where disturbance did not co-vary with natural gradients of change, and in areas characterized by low intensity activities, none of the metrics tested detected significant change, despite evidence of environmental impacts. We highlight the need for further research to clarify the response of metrics to disturbance over a broader study area that allows replication for confounding sources of natural variation. We also recommend research to develop more detailed understanding of the taxonomy and ecology of Neotropical macroinvertebrates to improve the robustness of metric use

    Fungi in Domestic Sewage-Treatment Plants

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    Finding New Opportunities: Technology Push Approach

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    Realizing the benefits of a manufacturing technology is a key challenge that manufacturing engineers and designers face that exceeds conventional aspects of manufacturability and manufacturing compliant solutions. The goal is to comprehensively utilize manufacturing potential through manufacturing-induced properties to find new opportunities for innovative product and process solutions
